Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Video Games A Violent Person - 1349 Words

Video games have been around for awhile now. It is a thing that people enjoy doing in their spare time, like checking Facebook or watching a movie. Slowly evolving from being played in an arcade, to being able to be played on small handheld devices, such as a cell phone or a portable gaming system. But as these games evolved, so has some of the thoughts and feelings towards video games. It is thought by some that video games lead to a child or teen becoming a violent person. Some even believe that this might have a correlation to mass shootings. That is a huge stretch. Does playing video games really have any correlation to a kid being or becoming a violent person? Before digging deep into this topic, one has to look into how video games has changed in the pass thirty years. The differences between now and then: the genres of video games, graphics, and how they were played. Video games have come a long way in the past few decades. Everything within the games are more detailed than be fore; a player has a much more immersive experience than before. Technology has advanced enough to where a person can use a headset like a â€Å"Octlus Rift†, to make the person feel as though they are actually there in the game. This is called Virtual Reality. Virtual Reality is not as popular as using the controller with an average video game console; but it is gradually beginning to get exposure, thanks to youtubers like â€Å"Pewdiepie†. The advancement of video games as a whole has to be taken intoShow MoreRelatedDo Violent Video Games Have An Impact On A Person s Behavior?2111 Words   |  9 PagesIntroduction People play video games mainly for entertainment. It’s just like a hobby such as bike riding, fishing, and swimming or playing sports. Video games are also a form of art through which you can experience a story interactively and can also challenge you mentally through using problem solving skills to work through difficult scenarios. Some video games are even designed to be a fictional representation of life, allowing the player to experience or do things they would never be able toRead MoreShould Violent Video Games Be Ban? Essay617 Words   |  3 PagesViolent video game had been a problem in the Unite States. Many people believe that violent video games should be banned, claiming they have negative effects on people.Violent video game is not like the real-world. Video games have become not only a form of entertainment, but also another way for people to escape reality and to enter their own virtual fantasy. James Gee explains that, if you blame violent video games for ho rrific events that have occurred is much like putting the blame on food forRead More Video Games Violence Essay1580 Words   |  7 Pageschild has played video games once in their lives. There are various genres and types of video games such as action, first person shooters, adventure, education, role-playing, strategy, and many more. 89% of video games contain some violent content (Slife, 2008). The most addictive, common, and popular video games among children are the violent video games (Slife, 2008). A lot of video games these days depict â€Å"real-life violence† meaning that the settings and plots of these video games are taken fromRead MoreThe Effects of Video Games and Violence 1169 Words   |  5 Pagescentury, video games have become quite an attraction among people of all ages and culture. A statistic showed that the age bracket for video gaming ranges from eight to forty year olds (Baran, 2012). With the (moving ahead or up) of technology, video games also have (moving ahead or up) in its interest in whats lifelike and real and (types of writing or art). The technologies allowed video games to become very fancy (or smart) and realistic. This type of (moving ahead or up) had brought the Video gamingRead MoreVideo Games And Violent Behavior1460 Words   |  6 Pages Video Games and Violent Behavior Jessi Moffett CRJ 385 September 15, 2015â€Æ' Intro Technology is an important aspect of change in our world. As time goes on, we are introduced to more and more technology every year, which includes media such as video games. The increase of technology has also increased and improved the world including ways of communicating and distribution of information. More often used outlets of media are those used for entertainment purposes, like television, internet andRead MoreDo Violent Video Games Make People More Violent?1277 Words   |  6 PagesDo Violent Video Games Make People More Violent in Real Life? The American Psychological Association reports that more than 90% of children in the United States play video games.Among kids between the ages of 12 and 17, the number rises to 97%. The psychological group also reported that 85% or more of video games on the market contain some form of violence (Do Video Games Lead to Violence). A video game may be considered violent if it contains â€Å"violent† language, gore/blood, and crime. Video gamesRead MoreAdolescent Aggression Based on Violent Videogames1645 Words   |  7 PagesAdolescent Aggression Based on Violent Videogames Violent video games played by millions of people every day results in animated characters having hearts ripped out, heads decapitated, and blood squirting across the screen as their mutilated bodies are erased from the screen. Most players play these games to pass the time, increase hand eye coordination, and create harmless competitions amongst those playing. However, some who play these games are entranced by the violent aggressive behaviors demonstratedRead MoreEssay on The Negative Effects of Violent Video Games1529 Words   |  7 Pagesor what inspired these attacks on these innocent victims? This question has become an epidemic in our country. We live in a violent world and young people have easy access to it whether its on television, in music or on the Internet. But with the explosion of media entertainment in recent years, video games have come under scrutiny as to whether or not violence in video games numbs children and teens to the consequences of real-life violence. T he answer to this question is yes. Young children andRead MoreHow Are Violent Video Games Affecting Young People? Essay911 Words   |  4 Pagesplaying violent video games. These video games might seem like harmless fun, but what if the violence in these games is affecting the behavior of young players interacting with others? In a society driven by technology, video games are becoming more popular each and everyday. People of all ages enjoy video games in their free time; these games allow the player to become an athlete, a soldier, or a professional fighter at the tip of their fingers. The hugest problem with these video games is theyRead MoreViolent Video Games : Positive And Negative Effects On Children And Adolescents774 Words   |  4 Pagesgaming systems, violent video games have become well-liked by children and adolescents. The playing of violent video games has always been a controversial topic, but in recent years it has become a heated debate. Whether the playing of these games desensitize the player or not. Video games have been around since the late 1970s, however violent video games were introduced in the 1990s. In recent years the violence in games have increased along with the enhanced graphics making the games more realistic

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